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Mets Sandlot Baseball League
New York City Elite (NYCE)
Summer Baseball League
10 Games + Playoffs
Starts after July 4th going to mid-August
Play travel level competition on local fields
Night games @ Randall's Island
We will schedule your home games @ your field
Gary Carter Division - 10 to 12u - 50/70 Field
Edgardo Alfonzo Division - 12 to 15u - 60/90 Field
Keith Hernandez Division - 15 to 17u - 60/90 Field
All divisions are wood bat only (no composite)
and use most MLB rules (except for lineup rules)
Price per team - $175 (ump fees not included)

Click Here to start the 2022 NYCE Registration Process
Rules that apply to all of our divisions:
1. Teams must inform the league of any schedule changes at least 1 week (7 days) before the scheduled start time. Failure to notify within this time frame will result in a forfeit loss and the forfeiting team will have to pay all ump fees.
2. Teams have 15 minute leeway for arriving late to games. For double headers the leeway time is 15 minutes for the 1st game & 30 minutes for 2nd game. Teams arriving after the leeway times will forfeit the game(s) and will be responsible to pay all ump fees for both teams.
3. All umpire fees MUST be collected before game time (including both games of a double header). No exceptions.
4. Forfeiting teams will need to pay all umpire fees for that game(s).
Teams who do not pay their forfeit fees will not be permitted to play in upcoming league games. If teams continue to forfeit games they will be removed from the schedule.
5. All scheduled league games must get played. Deciding to play a single 9 inning game to count as a double header is NOT allowed. If a team doesn't want to play a game the only option is to forfeit and pay all ump fees. NO Exceptions.
6. Both teams must provide two new game baseball for each game. Home team may be asked to provide additional baseballs.
7. There is NO mandatory sliding rule for all divisions.
Head first sliding is permitted to all bases.
8. All games have a time limit of NO new inning starting after 2 hours
9. Metals Cleats are allowed in the Edgardo Alfonzo and older divisions
10. Home teams are responsible for setting up the field with measured bases and acceptable pitching area. Umpires will confirm field is ready for game. We recommend that the visitor teams to also bring a set of bases just in case a base needs replacement (or the home team forgets).
11. We have a zero tolerance rule for fighting during the games. Any team that is determined to have caused a fight or bench clearing brawl will be thrown out of the league with no chance or re-admission to the league.
12. Both teams MUST submit lineup cards before game time. This lineup card must include any substitutions, first initial and last names. Umpires will be taking pictures of each teams lineup cards and sending them to the league. This will be used to make sure all players are from the teams official 20 man roster.
13. All players MUST be in full uniform in order to participate in official league games. For newly added players they MUST have a jersey\shirt with a unique number. Shirts\Jerseys without a number are NOT permitted.
14. Coaches \ Fans \ Spectators are NOT allowed to sit on the playing field & behind the entire backstop (from bench to bench and includes the sides of the backstop as well). This will be discuss during the ground rules and coaches will be asked to enforce rule with their team & parents.
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